Archive for November, 2011

Obama gets a #MicCheck

President Obama started giving a speech to supporters in Manchester, NH, when…

I know the audio is a little hard to hear….fortunately one of the Occupiers slipped Obama the note when he was finished speaking —



















Mr President over 4000 peaceful protestors

have been arrested,

While banksters continue

to destroy the economy with impunity

You must stop the assault

on our 1st Amendment rights

Your silence sends a message

that police brutality is acceptable

Banks got bailed out

We got sold out

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Recall Destruction Felony?

Recall season is definitely in full swing in Wisconsin with well over 100k signatures gathered to recall governor Scott Walker.  Not sure what to think of this but the threats and claims of felony recall destruction continue on facebook. I am not for censorship, I am for transparency…. so me personally, I clipped and posted this screen shot taken around 10:45 am on 11/21/2011.

the rest of you might feel like reporting whoever is the admin for this facebook page.













Update: these screen shots were taken 10:45 on 11/22/2011….at this point I would say its fair game to at least “Report this Page” for any of a number of Facebook’s policies.


Videos Show NYPD clearing Zuccotti Park Violently #OWS @jess_schiff “Long video, at one point a group fights a cop” @johnknefel “Video from earlier tonight of violent arrests, swinging batons, etc – #ows” @carwinb “Cops push on crowds south on broadway from pine. #ows”

In this great video at the MotherJones Youtube account, reporter @joshharkinson recounts what he saw.

Read Josh’s liveblog and first-hand account from the raid of Zuccotti and check out all the rest of their #OWS coverage.

Reporter Jared Maslin captured his own arrest on video in the early hours of November 15, while police arrested protesters and cleared Zuccotti Park. He describes his experience (in third person) in a post for The Local East Village:

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Occupy Wall Street Statement of Autonomy

Statement of Autonomy
Passed by the General Assembly at Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street is a people’s movement. It is party-less, leaderless, by the people and for the people. It is not a business, a political party, an advertising campaign or a brand.  It is not for sale.

 We welcome all, who, in good faith, petition for a redress of grievances through non-violence.  We provide a forum for peaceful assembly of individuals to engage in participatory as opposed to partisan debate and democracy.  We welcome dissent.
Any statement or declaration not released through the General Assembly and made public online at should be considered independent of Occupy Wall Street.
We wish to clarify that Occupy Wall Street is not and never has been affiliated with any established political party, candidate or organization.  Our only affiliation is with the people.
The people who are working together to create this movement are its sole and mutual caretakers.  If you have chosen to devote resources to building this movement, especially your time and labor, then it is yours.

Any organization is welcome to support us with the knowledge that doing so will mean questioning your own institutional frameworks of work and hierarchy and integrating our principles into your modes of action.

Occupy Wall Street values collective resources, dignity, integrity and autonomy above money.  We have not made endorsements.  All donations are accepted anonymously and are transparently allocated via consensus by the General Assembly or the Operational Spokes Council.
We acknowledge the existence of professional activists who work to make our world a better place.  If you are representing, or being compensated by an independent source while participating in our process, please disclose your affiliation at the outset.  Those seeking to capitalize on this movement or undermine it by appropriating its message or symbols are not a part of Occupy Wall Street.
We stand in solidarity.  We are Occupy Wall Street.

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Occupy Oakland Protestors Intentionally Hit by Mercedes Driver

here is aerial footage just after the protestors had been hit

More details coming but here’s the best article so far:

Reports of a death swirled around the twitter universe but apparently news sources are confirming 2 people treated at the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

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Who’s Behind the Mask?























This is the cover art for the Bloomberg Businessweek cover from October 31, 2011

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