Frank Luntz lays out #OWS messaging talking points!

As Frank Luntz addressed the Republican Governors Association, advising them on how to talk about Occupy Wall Street, little did he know that his talking points also provide the Occupy movement with a playbook of their own.

the logical responses:

1 Say Capitalism over & over


2 Say “the rich steal from government”



3 GOP caters to the rich and privileged “lazy class”




4 Talk about “Where the jobs?” and more importantly…”wheres the contracts and benefits?”





5 Dont call it a bank bailout, call it burning taxpayer money


6. Dont ever say you’re willing to ‘compromise’ (we will keep this one)




7  They “Dont get it” and wont…ever!



8 Real job creator’s, America’s small business owners are stifled by unfairtrade and global corporatization


9 We dont want the rich to sacrifice (tax the rich), we want the crooks and thieves in prison



10 ALWAYS blame Wall St….they make and receive the fiat money that funds DC Inside Traders…I mean Congress



thanks Frank Luntz….you couldnt have made our messaging any easier #OWS #OO #ReversePsychology

Oh yea ……Bonus: (one i do with great success daily) pound the multimillion dollar bonuses that these bankster crooks give to each other


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